Been looking for a new mouse and I think I found something I was looking for...
- Didn't want a concave shape like the slippery Deathadder, much prefer the shape of something like the Corsair M65 RGB PRO. This mouse doesn't have as good a shape as the M65 but I don't think it would be slippery at all.
- Was looking for extra mouse buttons that were at the top of the mouse. Since I have big hands and I palm/claw grip, I can't press the side or middle buttons on most mice without lifting my hand off the mouse or contorting my fingers. But this mouse has these really cool "straight finger", trigger and fingertip buttons that give you loads of binding possibilities, not to mention the two on the left edge. I already know I'm gonna bind nades to them. And these kind of mouse binds would be awesome for games like Fortnite where you have all your building actions on your mouse (like the way Ninja builds with his Logitech 502 Proteus Spectrum). I have to use my scroll wheel to build with my mouse but this would be so much easier.
It's pretty expensive but I am definitely gonna try it out when I have saved up the money.