Sorry haha I meant this one
Btw. 1.25x in BF2042 is the same as default ADS in other games? I normally never change all scope values, only the ADS sensitivity,
So If I enter for example The Cycle: Frontier, I'll put aiming type on ADS. And aiming type of BF2042 on 1.25x.
Like this?
Would this be 1:1 ADS?
what is the best way for me to calculate a 1:1 hipfire sens and 1:1 ads sens in different games? My hipfire for example is higher in BF2042 compared to my ads. If I would like to convert this to let’s say The Cycle: Frontier, what’d be the best way to do this? Or isn’t it possible to convert it because of different fov scaling between games?
I'm trying to calculate my Zoom sensitivity from BF2042 to Modern Warfare 2. I have it on 50% in BF2042, and would like to have the same ADS speed in MWII. Anyone knows how to do this?