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Everything posted by Nick

  1. why is that ???
  2. in the client settings editor I don't have targeting slow or scoped slow ??
  3. I saw a video on youtube to set it up and when I got to the program I cant cloud import leads to it crashing I cant open anything as well
  4. whenever I use the cloud import the program crashes help !!
  5. Nick


    ok thx question what happens etc tf2 (sens) dpi 90 so when I go onto another game or use mouse sens.com do I have to use 90 fov etc...
  6. Nick


    I have no idea haha
  7. Nick


    how do I make my fortnite sens to go other games and whenever I do attempt to carry over my sens it does not always feel right ?? Im I missing something like not use viewspeed etc... plz help thankyou!!
  8. Nick


    C:\Users\Nicholas\AppData\Local\FortniteGame\Saved\Cloud\7e5c08807ac64b5e8ba837b47682608b I followed the steps but It brings up csgo not fortnite ????
  9. Nick


    ok is there a simpler way haha I says I have to download something and do a bunch of stuff
  10. %LOCALAPPDATA%\FortniteGame\Saved\Cloud[Epic account id]\ this does not work plz help
  11. stretched
  12. I se to use 1920 1080 my sens was 1.1025 on 400 dpi and after I changed the resolution it feels off ?? is there a fix or something
  13. Nick


    im using 1920 1080 and I want to switch to 1440 1080 will this affect my sens and if so what should I do to insure that I have same sens in all game?
  14. Nick


    it does not show in game how do I find that it only has (MouseSensitiveName="Targeting",LastConvertedMouseSensitivity0.008944
  15. Nick


    csgo sens 1.2403125 destiny hip 4 when I go ads it says its to low
  16. ok thank you last question if Im on rust should I just convert using view speed and any game where you aim down sights should I use view speed at get the sens ???? instead of using 360 distance.
  17. so what should I use to convert to get the most accurate result
  18. I play on stretched I want achieve the closest to csgo as I can and im using view speed 2
  19. I play csgo on 1.1025 sens 400 dpi 1024 768 4:3 and when I transfer my sens to another game it feels way slower then in csgo is it my fov or something ??
  20. Nick


    so when I do calculations use 90 fov
  21. Nick


    when i use 68 fov in game but in the config it says 90 should i use 68 or 90 in game and il play 4:3 1024 768 do i have to multiply the sens by 12.5 to get same turn speed??
  22. Nick


    lol that worked 4.9 thankyou for your help
  23. Nick


    sorry about the other stuff but that's what it says
  24. Nick


    CALCULATIONS Team Fortress 2 - Hipfire Sensitivity 1: Too high sensitivity 1 - Maximum is: 30 75% rotation: - Ratio: 360° rotation: - Config FOV: 90 Actual VFOV: 73.74 degrees Actual HFOV: 90 degrees Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Hipfire (Config File) Sensitivity 1: No calculation yet, fix input 75% rotation: - Ratio: 360° rotation: - Config FOV: GstRender.FieldOfView 1.340724 Actual VFOV: 73.74 degrees Actual HFOV: 90 degrees
  25. Nick


    converting from hip
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