I'm taking the leap and going from my old 1080p BenQ to a ASUS 1440p monitor. Since the resolution will be changing doesn't that directly affect my DPI? So it would be 1440/1080 = 1.33 which means I would have to do 800 DPI*1.33 = 1067 DPI as my 1440p DPI. My mouse only does increments of 400 DPI therefore I can only go up to 1200 which is too high. Could anyone help me sort this out as when I do the calculator, which I think I'm doing correctly, it only changes my ADS sens slightly. Does monitor distance coefficient play a part in the change? Pretty confused at the minute, thanks!
Link to the Warzone calculation I've done: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=6627c61717ed6bf396531841989f6c84