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  1. OK thanks. will give that a go.
  2. Just so I can make sure it's correct to have it set to 75% or should I be using something like 100% or 0% ?
  3. Think I've asked this question a few times but I'm a derp so here we go again. I'm trying to get a match of my warzone hip fire / ads sensitivity at 120 FOV with a 1.33 monitor coefficient converted to battlefield 2042 at 80 FOV with the same monitor coefficient. I've got Monitor distance - Horizontal set to 75% across hip fire and ADS. My question is is that correct? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=49acc1873bf4d01a19615e123facd486 this is the conversion I'm trying to use
  4. So I'm trying to convert the same feeling of hip fire from Battlefield 2042 which I use 38cm 100 VFOV / 129 HFOV to dying light which uses 72 VFOV / 104 HFOV and I'm wondering if I'm doing this correctly. The DPI is different because dying light doesn't have a fine tune option. It's showing the 360 distance should be 47cm with a max discrepancy of 0.1% Did I convert this correct? I did a 360 test in 2042 and dragged my mouse across the map then tested it again in dying light using the converted sensitivities and it doesn't line up. Is it not meant to feel the same? I was under the impression that is what monitor distance match does when converting between different fields of view or am I wrong? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=bc80bb0f1fbaf4fafdde53243032e2b6 share link here. What I'm trying to achieve is the same mouse movement on the mouse pad across different field of views. Am I incorrect in thinking field of view changes how mouse sensitivity feels?
  5. So when I'm converting my warzone sensitivity which uses a 1.33 monitor coefficient is if correct to set the monitor distance to 133% for the conversion as well?
  6. So I'm trying to convert my settings from war zone to battlefield 2042. I use the legacy setting in war zone to achieve 1:1 hip fire to low zoom scopes. I'm not sure how to go about converting that to battlefield 2042. I've tried and it still feels off. Also when doing these conversions should I just copy all the zoom sensitivity's shown under All? been confused about that also.
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