Brink is now free to play on Steam.
I remember following its development a bit, and hearing that it was decidedly mediocre, but am interested in trying it out. I can't find a single mention of the game on this site, so if there ever were a time to get it into the calculator, now'd be the time. I'd also certainly appreciate it!
The in-game mouse sensitivity is just a bar and not easy to make small adjustments with, but I'm sure a console command exists, or at least config files.
There's no FOV adjustment, but a quick Google search taught me that you can change it by enabling the console and using "ui_fov" from 70 (or 75) to 110. The value seems to be vertical instead of horizontal, as 90 is pretty dang wide, and 103 is even wider.
Another Google search brought me to a tool called the "Brink Configurator" but I'm hesitant to use it. I'm assuming it just edits config files though.