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Everything posted by Wheaks

  1. I also know what u mean about falling into a bottomless pit, thanks for advice and I'll try my best to stay 'conscious'
  2. I'm not unsatisfied with my current setup, but if I am able to upgrade, why not?
  3. True, I know that jumping from 60fps to 144fps is major, but 144 to 240 is smaller; jumping from 200ms to 50ms is major, but 50ms to 10ms is smaller. Basically how every everything goes. BUT, If I can improve any of them, I'll still go for it if my bank support.
  4. 'Pretty much anyone interested in gaming with a mouse? Which is why smoothing is a hot topic in the hardware communities, and max IPS accel is barely ever mentioned.' Because low latency is accessible by everyone and IPS only matters for people who wants to flick as fast as possible which is minorities. 'Shame you don't follow your own advice.' It hurts doesn't it? 'Do you understand what a false equivalence is? The first issue effectively does not exist and is undetectable, the second one would be detected by a 3 year old if asked "which one is heavier". Saying you prefer something that has no effect over something that obviously does, doesn't add any validity to your point - you are unironically saying that placebo is the most important factor for you.' Do u understand what a false assumption is? The first issue effectively exist and is detectable although only minorities care about it, the second one is detectable by most people and they also care about it. The equivalence here is not the numbers of audience, it's only about did u care about it. I care about it, I ask my questions, I care about having a higher skill ceiling, even if I can't reach it, at least I'll never have to worry about hitting it. For example, John love cooking, just like Emma love swimming. The equivalence is same passion toward different aspects, none of them is wrong, you didn't throw away the thought of either something must be right or wrong. If I ever said a high IPS is so important that I can't play a game and live without it, then your opinions are right, but I'm literally just asking for an answer. 'Also, you still haven't seemed to grasp the extraordinarily simple premise of online etiquette that you don't need to constantly quote and therefore notify people to talk in a thread when you are replying to the comment directly above the one you are making anyway. But whatever, I'm not interested in helping you out anymore, and I don't see many other's being interested. Time for a block.' Also, quoting people is an etiquette for me, and I really don't understand how it bothers people, like what? You prob blocked me, but I'm still going to reply in case u didn't. Last, can we just shake hands and end this argument? I'm not really angry about it.
  5. true that I don't bother reading the link, I had already read something related from other places, who cares about 4ms delay? I know u r not attacking me, I'm just annoyed. I prefer people to think twice before replying prob unnoticeable but I still prefer 450ips, just like people prefer a weight of 80g and lighter over 100g and heavier mouse. I don't think my questions are virtual, if u think so you are still free to let your points out, and the conclusion is I think your reply is uncalled-for.
  6. The smoothing really isn't a problem, it just add about 1ms of latency. Mouse shape, weight, feet, feature set and click feel don't really mean that much for me, they are not hard to adapt. Technical things are related to actual performance, I care about it, I don't understand, I ask, that's it. What's the point of attacking one that has questions about what they r curious about, especially in a place where almost everything is about numbers? I'm not desperate for the 1ms difference, stop acting like the most brilliant person, thank u. Marketing blogs doesn't equal to nonsense, and I don't get information from there only. You prefer the external, I prefer the internal, both of them are important, both of them are similar on different mouse, is there a point to be against each other?
  7. guess I'll have to ask steelseries support
  8. How to Spot a Fake Mouse CPI | SteelSeries
  9. a part of What Makes the Rival 3 a "Gaming" Mouse? | SteelSeries: Numbers to look for Some brands artificially inflate their CPI/DPI numbers, so it's more reliable to start by looking at the speed that a mouse can track, since that's harder to fake. Mouse speed is measured in IPS, or Inches Per Second. (Obviously, a sensor's performance is about more than just IPS, but it's a good place to start. Aside from speed, there are lots of other factors that make a sensor reliable, like signal processing and acceleration.) Most beginner gaming mice have somewhere around 200 IPS, give or take. This means that you can move the mouse 16 feet (5 meters) per second without it getting confused. However, we thought this was a bit low, since the human hand is capable of moving much faster than that. So we increased that baseline by 50% to 300 IPS on the Rival 3. This means that it tracks reliably at a speed of 25 feet (7.6 meters) per second. (Pro tip: If you can't find the IPS number for a mouse, chances are it's a really low number that a brand doesn't want you to see.)
  10. one of the specs of a mouse, ips=inches per second Why Higher CPI Doesn't Mean Better | SteelSeries
  11. @DPI Wizard Do I reach high ips and accel easier with a high dpi compare to low dpi, or both of them are only related to real life movement?
  12. true, but quite easy to adapt tbh
  13. good to know that it will not affect precision. dpiwizard already answered me too. the review does test the accuracy/stability during fast/slow movements of 10ips, 30ips, 50ips at 400, 800, 1600, 2400, 3200, and max stated dpi.
  14. can't delete so I just left these words lol
  15. Cool, I might try it, I might don't, I choose to stick with my settings for now, thanks for your suggestion again.
  16. https://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/article/watermark/245ce7b138136c6b145c5c50bdb5eea0689c7d54.jpg@942w_501h_progressive.webp https://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/article/watermark/393d60fd771adbd7482fe4bfd207ac04e23ea6e9.jpg@942w_776h_progressive.webp it do be different although not alot. still hard for me no matter the dpi, thanks for suggestion anyway. wait the images' links don't work
  17. Cool. The dpi analyzer is too hard for me to test accurately by human hand tbh
  18. @DPI Wizard I acknowledge that dpi will most likely to be different from stated, but still don't know is it always the same, or same but different value on h&v, or always be a lil different from the previous one?
  19. It's ok that u don't understand, I don't blame u. Also, I quoted you thrice...now fourth to reply only, what do u mean stop pinging u lol. try moving 0.125 pixels/count with 3200 dpi, then u will know what I mean high precision+tiny control although I'm pretty sure that most people including u don't think that a pixel ratio that low benefits anymore, just personal preference at this point From steelseries support: Hold up to your seat! Because I'm about to explain a lot of stuff here hehehe The short answer is... Native DPI means better PRECISION. (But if you get used to it you might get away with it) The long answer is "It's entirely up to the user preference." Native DPI means that the mouse can achieve an certain numbers of "Dots-Per-Inch" without using a multiplier to get there. That means that some High DPI mice actually use upscaling to reach the resolution that they claim. So lets say a mouse is advertised as being able to go to 6000DPI, one method that some manufacturers use to achieve this is to put a 2000DPI sensor in and upscale the reading. If the mouse is set for 3000DPI, the sensor will set itself at 1500DPI and the mouse hardware doubles the value of the reading from the sensor. If the mouse is set to 6000DPI, the hardware just triples the reading. If your mouse is set to 1600 DPI, the mouse will clear the height of your 1080p display in less than an inch of mouse movement, but it won’t quite make it across the 1920 pixel width in an inch. It will go 1600 pixels in that inch. “So... why not just up my sensitivity instead of getting a higher DPI mouse?” Remember, it’s a multiplier. That means instead of going every one pixel, you’re going every two, three, or some rounded up number based on the collected decimal amounts. In short, sensitivity adjustment can lead to the mouse losing precision. If you want to hit pixel #3, but you’re on a sensitivity of 2, your cursor will be moving to pixels 2 and 4. Bringing it down to 1 means hitting every pixel, and any lower could additively skip a few every so often as the decimals add and round up or down. @DPI Wizard You may read this too. btw thanks to both of telling me dpi doesn't cause pixel skipping, I wondered if not only high pixel ratio skip pixels but also non native dpi (I'm afraid that the actual native dpi is lower than advertised) will skip counts and seems like it won't, it just has lower precision and higher motion delay. Still not exactly sure about what the precision refers to tho
  20. I train on both hipfire and ads, and I often change my sens and fov to find the 'perfect' one, I also know that most people have different settings and they can perform as well as each other. I get what u mean, it makes u adapt to different things quickly, but playing on different settings doesn't really help if u already have a mindset of relying on yourself instead of settings. Instead, it is just a waste of time for me to play different settings intentionally. I don't change settings to make myself suddenly good, I only change it to raise my skill capability by a lil bit, so I want to make sure that pixel ratio is as accurate as possible (for me, pixel ratio is the most important unit in sens). I'm happy with my settings now as it provide high speed + high precision at the same time, the only downside is it is harder to control because of high dpi which means a single count takes much less distance to be registered. Anyway, thanks for your suggestion.
  21. fov accuracy and pixel ratio accuracy on different fov on aim trainers I use for apex
  22. all good, the only tricky part is I have to change the scope's fov type to hdeg 4:3 from hdeg res
  23. ok cool, can also use in aimlab
  24. I mean if I calculate fov via config, the calculator doesn't show the in-game fov, vice versa. or u mean I just go with it although it'll be a lil bit inaccurate?
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