so ive used this calculator forever and never could find a good md transfer i liked. finally I went from seige to apex at 0% mdv and felt that was the correct match. now i understand thats the move. however now Im trying to play marvel rivals and im having great difficulty transfering. so Im a little stupid i dont need all the technical shit. I just want the best recommendation for when going from a fps to a 3rd. I just want it to feel the same. I tried 0% mdv along with other percentages. and I did 360 from my 1x in apex and hipfire. The 0% Is just WAY too slow. esp for rivals. the 360 matches dont feel too bad but my aim is still ass. Here are my apex settings: 0.819178 , ads: 1.009259, 1.55 fov multi, 800 dpi. yes its slow but I play on a skypad. It doesnt feel slow for me but any md % 178 or lower feels very slow on rivals like to the point i can barely turn. Im basically just looking for the best conversion that you think would give me the best aim possible, it doesnt have to be an exact match. ty