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  1. Thank you for the help! Although I am still a bit confused with the values for my ads sens. Because in destiny 2, the lowest ads sens is 0.5 and the highest is 1.5. The values shown for the ads multiplier are 5 and 6 which are far greater than the highest ads sens. Zoom ratio is at 2 also Look Sensitivity 6 Zoom Ratio 2 (Custom Ratio) ADS Sensitivity Modifier 6 (ADS (Traveler's Chosen)) ADS Sensitivity Modifier 5 (ADS (Ace of Spades, Sturm, Thorn)) ADS Sensitivity Modifier 5 (ADS (Nightshade Red Dot)) ADS Sensitivity Modifier 5 (Custom Zoom Ratio) I apologize as I am new in this site. I may not understand them fully
  2. Hi, does anyone know how to convert my apex ads sens to destiny 2 ads sens? I read a forum about it but it was really outdated which gave different values that feel way off. ^this is what I was talking about. My apex sens is 1.8, ADS sens 1.0, FOV 110 Destiny FOV is 105. 1920x1080 24 inch 800 dpi I would really appreciate any kind of help, thank you!
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