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  1. my bad I haven't tried the new calculation method for battlebit so idk if it still happening but I'll get back to you if I still got problems
  2. I think there is a a weird calculation in battlebit itself because my iron sights are unusually high compared to using any red dot where it feels normal and I think it has to do with my dpi being 4000.
  3. The ADS values I'm getting are funky, the hipfire values feel kinda fine though
  4. The FOV Slider can go from 60.0 to 120.0 now.
  5. I decided to start using Warzone as my main instead of Windows as well as taking your advice with focal length and lowering the FOV to 110, but left the Jedi's Trick alone. Thank you for the help.
  6. I've been using this setup to do all conversions. And, it works for stuff like Warzone but whenever I do it for VALORANT and Risk of Rain 2 it ends up with a different 360/cm. And I thought to maintain muscle memory or whatever the 360/cm should be close to each other. I can withstand 360/cm difference from VALORANT but with Risk of Rain 2 changing from a 33cm to a 52cm makes it feel like something is wrong and usually screws me up whenever I play Warzone again and I overaim. So, I was just wondering if the fix for it would be changing the [Hipfire / Look] to a different option instead of Jedi's Trick - Vertical.
  7. I was wondering if someone could give me links to forum posts to send to my friends so they can get into the mouse-sensitivity cult. And just understand the importance of it. I was thinking of sending them these. Conversion method guide. (and other FAQ's) Jedi's mouse trick Calculator Instructions
  8. I was looking for the ADSMouseSensitivityXx variable and I couldn't find it in the gamesettings.ini, so I'm guessing it got removed.
  9. Thank you once again, I appreciate the fast support!
  10. Before I start this, I might give off a rude tone so if I do I am sorry. I was looking through my settings as their were reset from BF2042 and as I rechecked them, I noticed that they were two different All's, All for Solider (All) and All for Vehicles (All Vehicles). Now this could just be me but I feel that could lead to more people like my brick self to skip over and think that's all the options the calculator has to offer. So, for me I feel like it would be better to make it be known that their is a different All for just vehicles or possible combine it into one All, but I feel like that you already considered that and ended up not going with it for whatever reason you had. Then deeper into it, the All Vehicles aim gives multiple of the same variable given (VehicleSensitivityTank and VehicleSensitivityDefaultTurret) given for the config file preset although I see it does have in the parentheses off what it's for, so I guess this is more of a support help thing than complaint. So does this mean when it gives the same variable for multiple different things displayed in the parentheses of what it's actually for does it mean I have to switch it from config file to in-game? And side note since I do not know where to put this, but there are multiple other variables to use for the calculations such as VehicleSensitivityCavalry, VehicleSensitivityDefaultTurret, VehicleSensitivityFieldGun, VehicleSensitivityHMGTurret, VehicleSensitivityHeavyTurret, VehicleSensitivityPlanePilot, VehicleSensitivityTank, VehicleSensitivityTransport, and so why not include these to configure as well, but I also skimmed through it and found these so maybe there useless idk. I think that's all I got to say for know but I'll edit it if I have something else to say.
  11. Is it possible to still add to this? There are three different mouse modes, Raw Input, Direct Input, and Windows Mouse. And I found that trying to calculate my Desktop sensitivity (WPS 4 at 1450) to RDR2 I couldn't do it because my sensitivity was in the negatives. So, what I did in game was put all my sensitivities to 0 (the lowest it can go) and found it was still faster than my I usually play with, and so I tried using the Windows Mouse mode and found that it felt slower than my usual mouse sensitivity as I'm usually able to do at least 1 360 turn using my entire mousepad, but couldn't do just one. So, what I'm concluding from this is that you are able to calculate to your accurate mouse setting using Windows Mouse mode, but I personally do not know how to and was wondering if you could implement a way on how to do it.
  12. I was having trouble convert my Windows/Desktop to Warframe, is there some way to fix this? Would I have to get the DPI that is 2900 and the WPS of 3 and use that for the Warframe calculation?
  13. My bad, just one last thing though, if I want to switch my dpi to 1600 but still get the same sense for games would I set it up like this: 3
  14. Alright, thank you, yeah I kinda see where your coming from with big hands, so should I be good to use that calculator preset, as it is to covert it to any games? -Also, thank you for helping me out, this was plaguing my mind trying to rack my head why there was two different 360's CM on Apex and Warzone.
  15. Alright I'll save that, but why did you pick that WPS setting? - I wish someone would put together a whole big guide on this on youtube going in depth
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