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  1. Also important to note that when you select the 4 bytes [00 00 00 40] and enter the value into the "Single (float32)" field, if your sensitivity has decimal places like mine did, you need to change the full stop to a comma when copying and pasting it from this website, otherwise you will get the ["______" is not a valid "Single (float32)"-value] error. Example: 0.133941966 will be 0,133941966. Hope this helps!
  2. You're an absolute Legend! Thanks so much, re-did my calculation and everything feels spot on now
  3. Yes, I copied the bEnabledMouseSmoothing=False to the input.ini and set it to read only before I opened this topic. I ended up doubling the sensitivity given and it seemed to be correct so I'm not sure if that helps you in any way. Also worth noting I run on 500hz polling rate permanently on my Endgame Gear OP1we, which was one of the solutions you gave in the SurrounDead calculator as a possible for fix for negative acceleration.
  4. I worked out my counts per 360 for SurrounDead based on my FOV of 103 degrees, and it gave me a sensitivity of 0.147. I put this in the config, booted up the game and it is WAAAAAAAY too low My way of working it out is correct because I use the same calculation for every game and it is spot on every time with the help of mouse-sensitivity.com Any chance this could be updated? Around 0.4 ingame feels right for now but knowing it isn't correct is just messing with me subconsciously. Thanks for your time.
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