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koreanspyderman's Achievements

  1. I think it would be helpful to people in the future if there is either a recommended Monitor Distance coefficient value or something that shows the user that the Monitor Distance coefficient value is meant to be in Sensitivity 2. Thanks for your time
  2. Changing the the value from 1.33 to 1.78 in Sensitivity 2 showed no change in Sensitivity 1. All I did for the conversion was double the value given in Sensitivity 1 because it felt almost twice as slow as it should.
  3. After converting my Valorant sensitivity (0.559 @ 800 DPI) to Warzone (5.93 @ 800 DPI), I noticed the sensitivity felt heavy and I couldn't figure out why. I'm guessing it has something to do with my FOV and the Monitor Distance coefficient setting. The monitor coefficient setting was set to 1.33 by default but I changed it to 1.78 while also doubling my 5.93 in-game sens and it felt a lot closer to the sens I play on Valorant. I feel there must be some components that are missing in the sensitivity conversion because 11.86 in-game sens on 120 FOV feels a lot better than the sens that was given by the calculator.
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