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Everything posted by rasser11

  1. Thank god you guys made the calculator like, thank u so much for the help, that really helped a lot.
  2. Can you explain what fov type is and when u need to change it, cause I'm so lost.
  3. So if changed my R6 aspect ratio to let's say 4:3 or 3:2 and don't change it in csgo and keep at 16:9, would I have to change anything in the calculator under fov type and if so what should I change it to? Thanks for the help
  4. im having some problems with fov type, i dont really get it, what i need to change to it to, im using 16:10 in R6 and wanna convert my sens to csgo where i use 16:9. What fov type should i use in calculator. i just dont get all that hdeg vdeg 4:3, i hope some1 can help me
  5. I can't wait for that its gonna be awesome. Thanks for everything!!
  6. Will there come ads for Rainbow six siege?
  7. So I wanna convert my R6 sens to CSGO and I want it to be as close as possible while I'm ads with iron sight and acog , but I don't know which 1 to use, 360 distance, viewspeed or monitor distance? Just straight up the best 1 that gives me the most precise conversion. Thx
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