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noaimBoii last won the day on December 22 2018

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  1. Will there be any updates for the focus sensitivity?
  2. jedi fallen order plss
  3. Name: warforkWebsite: https://store.steampowered.com/app/671610/Warfork/Status: early accessRelease date:Availability: free
  4. lower sense is always more smooth and precise on smaller targets. With enough practice on higher sens you can erase most of the imprecision, but lower sens should still be marginally better. 90cm/360 would not work for tracking fast moving targets at closer range and would suffer from a lot more inertia, which makes tracking fast ADAD movements a lot harder. You can get away with such a low sens in BFV because targets can't ADAD spam really quickly, and then with accel you can do quick 180s to snap to targets around you. CSGO players do not need to do such quick snaps because they would be dead if a player comes from behind, which is why the most players use very low sens. They simply don't need the benefit of higher sens. If you want to be a versatile player, go for higher/medium sense around20-35cm. If you want to specialize in more tactical shooters or in more tactical playstyles, then lower sens is better (but honestly just slightly).
  5. Can you add Total War Three Kingdoms please?
  6. I'm not getting a perfect 360 spin with Kovaak's sensitivity matcher, is there mouse acceleration in this game? Edit: Nevermind I set my FOV incorrectly. Turns out entering decimals for FOV in the config doesnt do anything. Edit 2: Actually decimals for FOV did work the second time I tried it.
  7. Oh thx for the help!
  8. Hey potato how would this work with a 3rd person game? Wouldn't the reference for the edge of the screen change based on the character's distance from the reference?
  9. Hi DPI wizard I feel like the Y sensitivity isnt the same as the X sensitivity. Is it possible for you to confirm this?
  10. Are there any plans to add ironsight and other scopes?
  11. is there mouse acceleration in this game?
  12. How do I use the fov scale to match a 16:9 103 horizontal fov? What value does it scale from?
  13. How does the ADS sensitivity match between scopes with different FOVs?
  14. Hi DPI Wizard does reducing polling rate reduce acceleration?
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