Hi guys. i'm new to using this website and am looking to have consistent sensitivity across all my games. I began with selecting my Kovaak sensitivity (800dpi, 1.1) (Source eng). and transferred that to Bf4 with the 'in game' option for both. The discrepancy is 4% which is pretty bad so im now looking at config files which i have never edited before.
Obviously the discrepancy is excellent using this but am unaware on how to input it correctly. im aware that it shows directions to where u need to input although im confused at how much i need to type in. I just want the core hip fire and 1 to 1 ADS sensitivity of 1.1 to my BF4 game.
Do i need to input the entire of the following or can i just type in the config file the base Sensitivity 1?
appreciate the help
Sensitivity 1:
GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.005559
GstInput.MouseSensitivityVehicle 0.167425
Sensitivity 2:
GstInput.SoldierUniformAimingCoefficient 0.000000
Multiplier 1:
GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityAll 1
Multiplier 2:
GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityIronSight 1.004762
GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityCloseMagnRange 1.004762
GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityCloseRange 1.004762
GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityMediumRange 1.004762
GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityLongRange 1.004762
GstInput.SoldierZoomSensitivityVeryLongRange 1.004762