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Everything posted by Snafugg

  1. So my cs:go sens is 1.1 and i convert that to pubg 3rd person hipfire using 360 distance and it feels good and now i'm trying to figure out how to get my scoping sens. I convert my cs:go sens to scoping using viewspeed instead of 360 distance and it feels ok but i'm not sure if that's the right thing to do. Do i put cs:go into the calculator for the 1st game, and should i use viewspeed?
  2. Same hahaha
  3. Nice, i tried viewspeed and that seems to be exactly what Andromeda needs. Thanks! Hopefully at some point they make it so you can change ads and hip fire separately.
  4. Yeah it is really off to me, aiming and the sensitivity being lower makes it almost annoying. I'm wondering if there is a conversion that will take my cs:go sensitivity and convert it for ads instead of hip fire in Andromeda. That's why i was asking about that viewspeed thing as i'm unsure what that is.
  5. Hey, so i converted my CS:GO sensitivity (1.1 800dpi) and i put the results in the ProfOpts_profile but in game when i aim in with guns its definitely slower. I was wondering if instead of converting to 360 degrees i should convert to viewspeed but i have no idea what that is and if it would help me lol. I have the fov set to 1.5 in Andromeda and i put that into the converter so that's not where i'm messing up so i don't know hopefully someone can help me figure this out. Thanks in advance.
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