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  1. Ah so listing 'multiplier' for the in-game value is intentional to illustrate that the in-game value is still not an explicit vfov/hfov value. Makes sense. Perhaps a note to that effect could be added in the FOV notes section for the Apex profile.
  2. Possible bug in the current version of the calculator - please see attached image. The FOV value seems to be inverted. 'In-game' tries to use raw degree values even when multiplier is selected, and 'Config-file' uses the multiplier even though the actual value in the .ini is in degrees. Something seems to have inverted the correct behaivour.
  3. Yep. Ran into that error today. Seems they patched it out.
  4. Seems to be functioning as expected now. Thanks!
  5. Appreciate the prompt response and fix. Thanks for all your hard work as always Wizard. EDIT: Seems the actual FOV isn't changing with entered values.
  6. Can we please have the FOV value unlocked for Due Process? Some of us are running this game with black bars to emulate other FOV's via focal scaling, and not being able to calculate our sensitivites accordingly is infuriating.
  7. I too would love to see this feature.
  8. They also added a fov slider. Value is listed in the attributes.xml as: <Attr name="FieldOfView" value="55"/> so seems to list VFOV despite the in-game slider showing HFOV.
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