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Everything posted by Gurkoel

  1. You were right, ignore me. Developer did not even bother to add a sensitivty slider... I will check next time before posting.
  2. Name: V Rising Website: https://playvrising.com/ Status: Early Access Release date: 17.05.2022 Availability: purchase
  3. Works like a charm! Thank you a lot!
  4. Hi DPI-Wizard, both hipfire 360° and ADS feel way too slow. I checked my mouse and I have indeed different profiles for these two games, but both are set to 800 DPI. Maybe hunt did change something in a recent update and the calculator is miscalculating something? Have you testet my config or did you just take a look at the numbers? Thanks for taking the time, I know you probably have a lot more on your list. I really appreciate it! Best regards Joel
  5. Hey DPI Wizard, just a friendly reminder , did you have time to check it out yet?
  6. Sure thing! Thanks for the help, its much appreciated ! attributes.xml config.cfg
  7. Hi DPI Wizard, thanks for the quick answer. I watched some of your videos on YT last night explaining that rather complicated topic. Based on what you wrote I switched to monitor distance in todays calculation. However it still feels WAY too slow, even slower than yesterday. (https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=8d057fce80255e834f1dda1912e61a1c). Maybe it's about the FOV. There are different values in config and ingame. I used the config value, as my calculator is set on config (If I understood that correctly). Best regards, Joel
  8. Hi there, I think I am doing something wrong. I just bought this tool for 100€. I tried to convert CSGO -> Hunt:Showdown. When I try a 360° turn in csgo I need my whole mousepad. When I use the calculated value in hunt however, I need almost twice the space. This is how I set up the calculator: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=81e2745e5c506d8f76585ff266f01aea I don't know what I am doing wrong. (And I didn't quite get what Monitor Distance does, but that is another topic). I am happy for any hints you might have! Best regards, Joel
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