Hey Wizard,
I've been using this website now for almost a full month and have used it for multiple different games and so far it has worked wonderfully has been VERY precise. But for some reason, your calculations doesn't seem to work in this game. I have turned on Raw Mouse Input in the Cartographer Mod and changed my sensitivity according to your calculations. I go into game and to give you a reference to what my sensitivity feels like, I do a full mouse swipe and my character doesn't even do a 45 degree turn when a full mouse swipe in ALL the other games gives me at least a 360. So my guess was maybe he just misplaced the decimal point. So, I moved in to the right once, and this seemed to have helped, but now it feels quite a bit faster than my regular sensitivity.. Can you please check in on this.. If you need a video, let me know. I can get that together for you.