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Everything posted by Jimmon

  1. i would like to second Vampyr, however i should note(not sure if it is just my system or the game its self) i'm having a weird, intermittent, positive mouse acceleration. and it is also of note that the in-game sensitivity goes from 0-10 in increments of 1, and even 0 seems extremely high.
  2. would it be possible to have TERA(enmasse) added? not sure whats different between the different regional producers... (eg. K-Terra/Nexon, US-TERA/enmasse, EU-TERA/gameforge)
  3. I would also like to request Amnesia: The Dark Descent. great game, worth the play through if you're into "hide 'n' seek/puzzle solver" style horror games!
  4. i've found it requested once before but never saw a respose, so i would like to request Deus Ex: Human Revolution for myself. cheers!
  5. any chance you could add OpenMW
  6. i don't know if you changed something but before it was giving me "00 00 c0 ff" as the suggested value to put in, then once you had posted it gave me the correct value, and now that i'm testing it again, no matter what i put in for DPI or 360 degree distance it is giving me "00 00 c0 ff" posting screenshots of what i mean. --edit-- also as a side note do you have any plans to include fov settings, they now have a spot in the config file as well as a slider in game --edit--
  7. the value suggested for the config file is now incorrect due to the latest updates to the game, for example in the config file my suggested value is 00 00 c0 ff and ingame it's suggested to use a value of 16 on the slider. however, using the suggested hex edit, up/down and left/right are flipped. the ingame value still seems correct, so my guess is either the calculated value is wrong, or the instructions on where to locate the desired address range is wrong and needs to be updated. also on a side note subnautica now has a FOV slider and my suspicion is a value in the config file as well.
  8. the forest needs its values updated, the value in game now goes from 0 to 100% instead of 0 to 300 and the value that this site gives is entirely too high. --edit-- the site gives me a value of 48% so on a whim i divided it by 3 to get 16 and it feels relatively close.
  9. if at all possible could you look at adding Boundless
  10. I've seen where its was requested but i never saw an answer either way. so i would like to bring guild wars 2 up as a possible addition. i love the game especially since they added a native action camera. i would like to thank you in advance oh greatest of DPI wizzards... regards, Jimmon
  11. i would love you forever if you could add Sven Coop on steam its f2p http://store.steampowered.com/app/225840/
  12. would it be possible to add the first borderlands TY in advance
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