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  1. Ah thanks man so the calculator's Left 4 Dead default's Hdeg 4:3 FOV setting is also wrong? 90 FOV in L4D2 is definitly much lower than 100 FOV in QL, but the calculator default settings says L4D2 FOV 90 is equale to QL 105 FOV. I've been playin QL since 2009 and I know the game uses 4:3 HFov (I can link some sources and posts about it). Quake Champions however uses Hdeg 16:9. Here is a calculator for converting QL's FOV to some other popular FPS games (including QC) : https://www.desmos.com/calculator/y6emdwntag?lang=fr
  2. Hey Wizard, thanks for the answer! I'm not sure I understood you 100%, what I wanted to say is that last year the calculation was right, L4D2 and QL had the same 115% Hfov value when inputed 100 in the calculator, and now by default it is showing 15 degrees difference. https://imgur.com/a/wSGlhl0 For QL the calculator auto defaults to Hdeg 16:9 while it should default to Hdeg 4:3? (from what I understand as Hdeg 4:3 shows the correct value). Cheers man and happy new year 2021!
  3. Hi there, QL's FOV calculation was ok before. Now it is calculating it wrong (10 degrees missing). Cheers.
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