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  1. Roblox: Phantom Forces https://www.roblox.com/games/292439477/Winter-Phantom-Forces Its like a f2p battlefield clone, it has settings for FOV, Hipfire, ADS. Probably wont take you too long to add this
  2. The new hipfire seems to be spot on! I hope sniper zoom sensitivity would be added. For starfighter sens, i hope to somehow match my flight mouse movement to desktop mouse movement, if thats even possible lol
  3. I dont think the current calculator is accurate for the full version of the game, but it was accurate during the beta. Im using a tape ruler to measure my 360 mouse movement right now, and it seems I have to roughly double the value that your current calculator gets. Looking forward to using your calculator again so i can stop using my ghetto tape ruler lol
  4. The Evil Within 2? I also heard they have a first person mode that can be unlocked via console commands.
  5. it could be the post process or other graphics setting in the game thats causing weird mouse delay and inconsistencies. Maybe you can try turning off those settings and running the on lowest graphics setting?
  6. Looking forward to Starwars Battlefront 2 calculator!
  7. How about ECHO that 3rd person stealth/shooter game on steam?
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