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  1. Thank you for the advice, i'll keep experimenting
  2. Exactly that's why I am having issues. I will try with different MDV settings, included 100. Do you think 0% is mandatory for muscle memory though? I don't want to hinder it in any way, if needed I can force myself to play with slower sniper sens, I can adapt in a few weeks probably
  3. I was trying to match my old CS settings to Warzone, but the results aren't particularly satisfying. Since CS is stretched, i struggle to find a match honestly, stretching by Vertical match feels too slow, Horizontal feels too fast What would you recommend? I need to keep 0% monitor match cause the low zoom scopes feel perfect, i have issues only with high zoom scopes, cod is a fast game and with high zoom i struggle to flick on targets sometimes. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=0b2d507c2410817035f46917db300546 @DPI Wizard maybe you can save me
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