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Everything posted by roundmetalbox

  1. I just found where the mouse sensitivity setting is kept in registry. Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mopeful Games\Fashion Police Squad MouseSensitivity_h2921938665 Will need a hex editor for this I believe.
  2. Name: Papo & Yo Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/227080/Papo__Yo/ Status: Released Release date: April 18th, 2013 Availability: Purchase
  3. MVP, thanks!
  4. FYI, they added an fov slider to this game. 60-100
  5. Name: Smithworks Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1568540/Smithworks/ Status: Released Release date: June, 17th 2022 Availability: Free
  6. Anybody willing to guide me through the cheat engine way? Been searching for hours and tried using the tables in this thread, but those all have ?? as the value and cannot be changed. Nvm.... I figured it out like 5 minutes after posting.
  7. Name: Knightfall: A Daring Journey Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1911390/Knightfall_A_Daring_Journey/ Status: (in development, pre-alpha, alpha, closed beta, open beta, early access, release etc) Released Release date: April 1st 2023 Availability: (Free, invite only, pre-purchase, purchase etc) Purchase
  8. Name: BattleBit Remastered Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/671860/BattleBit_Remastered/ Status: Early Access Release date: Planned 2022 Availability: Free playtests
  9. Bad Business, Phantom Forces, umm, the new Doom game. All I would assume.
  10. Not sure if it is just me, or not. But taking my sens from csgo/siege and turning it to roblox, it feels like 2 times or more slower. Am I doing something wrong??
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