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  1. Well as long as the 360 difference is the same is what matters, for muscle memory etc. That's the whole point for me, so I just wanted to make sure that was the case. Thanks for the quick response btw. EDIT: and the reason they 'feel' different is because of different pixel ratio right? But same 360? Because I noticed that changed when you change FOV obviously, but the sensitivity doesn't.
  2. So it is the same sensitivity/cm360 on both games? Just feels slightly off, but if you say so clearly this must be the case.
  3. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=c1eeb75f7f664c6a3e884ef711aeda81 If I want to find out what sensitivity for 10 cm360, Say if i want to do FOV 110 (fovscale 1.55) instead of the default fov (105.x) the sensitivity doesn't change. It's same in doom eternal, if I want to change between FOV 100 and FOV 110, it tells me it's the same sensitivity. This is not actually the case though because it instantly feels slightly off. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=10fefe7b89f701a3032bddbaf7dc8d56 Conversion of sensitivity between apex legends and doom eternal also yields inaccurate results for same reason. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
  4. Using cl_fovscale that the calculator says will give 106 fov in apex legends, gives actually instead 90 fov in apex legends. Config FOV: cl_fovScale "1.281845" Actual VFOV: 73.479951 degrees Actual HFOV: 106.000016 degrees Ingame this becomes 90 fov. The actual cl_fovscale (that results from setting fov 106 ingame) is 1.49304
  5. So I'm thinking that's a bug which makes the sensitivity incorrect? Loving the calculator btw.
  6. Right, i made a mistake and did not input autofov in the top menu and hadn't inputted 106. And i did not use hdeg 16:9 but hdeg: 4:3 which is default. When i do this i get the same pixel ratio, so the mistake was on my part. Another question, and btw. thank you for replying so quickly. That HFOV of 105.3478239 is that the equivalent of fov 90 just for 16:9? Which calculation goes into that number. I'm using 106 myself which feels good for 1920x1080, that fov is ofcourse extremely close to that 105 number, which is why i am wondering where it comes from.
  7. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=49f90fe9309f13c5c2c068f01af1fbe7 My res is 1920x1080, dpi 1600, fov 106 which i have not indicated. I want 1:1 pixel ratio. Is there something i am doing wrong in the settings? As you can see with doom eternal it says it is 1:1 in apex legends it says it's not. EDIT: Turns out i made a mistake, i didn't set autofov in the top, and hdeg 4:3 i set it to 16:9, and now i set autofov to 106 which is what i want, and NOW the pixel ratio is the same for both games. And I can see i am not even 1:1 as I thought due to this mistake, but I am quite below in the 0.70's using subpixels. Interesting.
  8. I see, so if that be the case then it's a slight mistake either on my part or with the script? So it SHOULD be exactly same in EVERY game, assuming same resolution, same fov, same dpi then also same cm360 for 1:1, correct? Well example is if I take doom eternal 1:1 at 1600 dpi which is 9.576 cm/360. And then i want to convert to apex legends. Now it says the pixel ratio is Pixel ratio: 0.7625 pixels/count So the script says it's 1:1 in doom eternal but 0.7625 (significantly lower) in apex legends. Is this because I need to indicate some other settings that default to another thing if I compare. Because I obviously want to use same res, same dpi, same FOV. So this is just a bug or an incorrect value somewhere right? AHH i see it's cause it has different fov values set by default, THIS IS WHAT CONFUSED ME. But assuming it has same res, fov, dpi, the cm360 should be identical?
  9. Right, that's what I thought. So everyone should really try to stay within 1:1 pixel ratio range for the most optimal precision. And if you simply want to be able to track much slower and increase your cm360 you set it below 1:1 so you can use subpixels for the aim. Now i have another question, howcome it varies from game to game? Same resolution, same FOV but different game, should be the same sensitivity/cm360 that gives the 1:1 pixel ratio? But I notice when I change games in the menu, this is often not the case. It says that cm360/sens is now below the pixel ratio for that game, when it's 1:1 in another game. Can you explain this to me please? Shouldn't it be EXACTLY THE SAME, if it's same fov, same resolution, same DPI in each game? Shouldn't it be the same cm360 aswell? It's obviously annoying if it is the case that to achieve 1:1 pixel ratio you need different cm360 for each game. Is that the case and if so why?
  10. Are there any downsides of playing 1:1 pixel ratio? Seems that the only reason you should be under it is that you prefer cm360 that is higher than 1:1. Over 1 it seems you will skip pixels and your aim will not be precise enough and you need to raise DPI instead if you have that problem. Is pixel ratio 1:1 more precise than subpixel aim (below 1:1) i guess is my question? Is there any benefit to not using subpixels at all to aim, by going straight up 1:1. Or does it not matter and you can have way below 1:1 and the aim will be the same (except slower ofcourse).
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