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Everything posted by Toastxr

  1. Ah thanks, il have to go figure out how to use it.
  2. Thought you had to pay for it?
  3. Yea probs going to just change sens based of weapon FOV I don't mind it that much, just have to figure out what sens I will need for each weapon and scope.
  4. So is it actually possible to do on cold war or would you just have to change your sens for certain scope and weapons etc?
  5. So I was doing some tests. I used the kovvaks sensitivity matcher to record these test. The current settings I use is 6 hipfire, 1.2 ADS for low zoom, 120 FOV affected and 1.78 coefficence (relative). I used the MP5 for this test. First I used an iron sight to try get my hipfire and ads to 1:1, I managed to achive this with 1.2 ADS Multiplier (Low Zoom). I then tested this with an AK-47 with iron sights and the sens is now not 1:1, is there a seperate ADS setting for AR's? I then did some more tests and found out that to achieve 1:1 with AK-47 iron sights i would need a 1.34 ADS Low Zoom sens. Meaning I would have to change my sens mid game if I decided to use AK-47.
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