Haha nothing to front here. I am still very new at this but does find this whole topic pretty fascinating. Feels like I am uncovering so many "illusions" from distance and perception that I never paid attention to before. And I think you do make some really good points.
I feel like the 0% is like "working hard to be lazy" (maybe not the best expression). Will be excruciating to develop for many but, the goal is so you can develop a muscle memory that fits everything, while making the monitor distance adjustment can make your current game comfortable, but you will have to go through more instances of adjusting to new games. I don't snipe that much so I haven't really experienced the difficulty, so 0% has been not too bad for me.
One other thing however, with games like BF2 (and many more) where the different Scope don't scare correctly, it kinda defeats the purpose of that accuracy of scaling you try to achieve with 0%? So here's my question, when you are facing that sort of inconsistency and you use two of the scopes equally frequent, setting your ads sense based on one of the scope, essentially means you are applying some MDV % to the other one. So lets say if by using the ADS sense I got from the "Gun" calculation in BF2, and that's about the same as if you applied about 35% of MDV to the Rifle Scope, would it be better just bump up to a more common % people use, maybe like 50? Or just leave as it is so your Gun Scope is accurate but your Rifle Scope is off? Let me know if I am overthinking this haha
73 is also what I am currently setting as my uniform FOV since it felt pretty good in BF2.
Thanks for sharing your calc! Will have give desktop match a try. I am currently matching it to my mousepad lol!