Hey, thanks for looking into it but it still seems wrong. About 5cm off. Setting everything in advanced mode with the right FOV and resolution and everything and trying to get 35 cm for 360° but testing the setting it spits out ingame gives me about 30cm for 360°.
Same test with other games is on point though. Something isn't right
You can download the Unreal Engine Launcher and if you have a UnrealTournament.com forums account, the game will show in the launcher, from there its just a click to install the newest build
The calculator for UT4 is not correct anymore.
A lot has been fixed regarding FOV and mouse input in the last weeks. Would be nice if it gets an update Also: Where is UT99?
Having the same problem. I would like to pay with paypal like i do anywhere else, but on this site it requires a creditcard for some reason. I don't own any creditcards, nor am i planning to get one in the near future.