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  1. Great, thanks have a nice evening! and thanks for keeping this site up!
  2. Ah ok thanks, so there is only a big difference if i am using different scopes? 0% feels better to me, because at 133% the ads feels a little bit too fast! Is 0% a good value to obtain some muscle memory or 133%?
  3. Hey, i was trying to match my hipfire and ads sensitivity and I thought I found the correct value, but after some research I am now confused. I got ´two resulty with different sensitivities: 1. monitor distance coefficient 0% https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=a2b5310ba5f55406fe5ec5eec1c97ee3 2. monitor distance coefficient 133% https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=31e2baa5cc8f23ac08ca1b77478e6728 What is the correct calculation? What are the differences? Should I use 133%, because most people recommend to use 0%. Thanks!
  4. Hey guys, i´m a little bit confused now. For BF4 the best way to deal with UsA was to set the coefficient to 1.33. I skiped BF1 and now is read a lot that 1.33 isn´t longer the best value. My vertical FOV is 73.74 and my ratio is 16:9 - what coefficient should I usw now? 0%? 133%? 178%? Thanks!
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