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  1. Okay, ummmm still not 100% clear... using this calculator is there a way i can get as close to what i want it to be? Could i compare fov of each scope on both games and find matching fovs and match sens that way....? I dont know much about MDH but i was hoping someone could help with that.
  2. Sorry what does that even mean? can you explain why
  3. Also, i am a paying member and all the available functions confuse me and have not helped me much cause there is too much to read and I have not had time to sit and study it all.
  4. Hi, Hate to be this kinda guy but I really have tried to convert my sensitivity from CoD Modern warfare to Apex but i have no clue what is going on. If anyone can help me that would be lovely. I want my CoD sensitivity that is 4.5 at 1600 dpi to be similar with monitor distance and not cm (as i've heard its more comfortable?). I'm playing at 1920x1080. Affected FoV and Legacy mouse sens. I'm running 1.35 in apex which i'm happy with for hipfire BUT its the zoom and fov changes that confuse me and throw me off! Any help would be greatly appreciated
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