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Everything posted by Zekfad

  1. @DPI Wizardis there any way to add m_pitch and m_yaw to calculator to workaround sensitivity above 8?
  2. Name: The Invincible Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/731040/The_Invincible/ Status: release Release date: 6 Nov, 2023 Availability: purchase
  3. Name: NaissanceE Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/265690/NaissanceE/ Status: release Release date: 13 Feb, 2014 Availability: Free
  4. Thanks for your work! Sorry for wrong thread, was sleepy and missed request thread.
  5. That's Unity based game with FOV and Mouse settings available. Would be nice to have it in calculator, thank!
  6. Seems so.
  7. By the way "enableCameraSlope": false, seems to disable aim smoothing, at least on initial release, please test it out!
  8. Agree, with you. Moreover, there's no way to make h/v sensitivities the same
  9. I've just checked again and yes, now it has no impact to the game, maybe due to last update, idk, but game engine is indeed read and change values: Sadly but, we have to look how it will work in future You can try to play around with that settings, e.g. try to use fraction scales and see how game reacts (i haven't tested this one yet)?
  10. Idk, I changed it, and it woks. I mean, it was about 10 by default and i reduced it like 1000 times. (div by 1000) I can actually see the huge difference, try to use really low values: e.g. 0.001 or 0.0001, and set SenseIndex`es to 0 (min as in-game options).
  11. You can setup custom sensitivity: In HKCU\SOFTWARE\miHoYo\Genshin Impact In prop GENERAL_DATA_h2389025596 stored json with config: Something like this: mouseSensitivity is doing it's job, but i have no clue how mouseSenseIndex works. { "deviceUUID": "", "userLocalDataVersionId": "0.0.1", "deviceLanguageType": 1, "deviceVoiceLanguageType": 2, "selectedServerName": "os_euro", "localLevelIndex": 0, "deviceID": "", "targetUID": "", "curAccountName": "", "uiSaveData": "{\"currWindowResolutionIndex\":0}", "inputData": "{\"mouseSensitivity\":0.001,\"joypadSenseIndex\":0,\"joypadFocusSenseIndex\":0,\"joypadInvertCameraX\":false,\"joypadInvertCameraY\":false,\"joypadInvertFocusCameraX\":false,\"joypadInvertFocusCameraY\":false,\"mouseSenseIndex\":0,\"mouseFocusSenseIndex\":0,\"touchpadSenseIndex\":0,\"touchpadFocusSenseIndex\":0,\"lastJoypadDefaultScale\":1.0,\"lastJoypadFocusScale\":1.0,\"lastPCDefaultScale\":0.8999999761581421,\"lastPCFocusScale\":1.2000000476837159,\"lastTouchDefaultScale\":1.0,\"lastTouchFcousScale\":1.0,\"switchWalkRunByBtn\":true}", "graphicsData": "{\"currentVolatielGrade\":-1,\"customVolatileGrades\":[{\"key\":1,\"value\":6},{\"key\":2,\"value\":15},{\"key\":3,\"value\":3},{\"key\":4,\"value\":4},{\"key\":5,\"value\":3},{\"key\":6,\"value\":5},{\"key\":7,\"value\":1},{\"key\":8,\"value\":3},{\"key\":9,\"value\":1}]}", "miniMapConfig": 1, "enableCameraSlope": false, "completionPkg": false, "onlyPlayWithPSPlayer": false, "resinNotification": true, "exploreNotification": true, "volumeGlobal": 10, "volumeSFX": 10, "volumeMusic": 10, "volumeVoice": 10, "motionBlur": false, "gyroAiming": false, "monthlyCardShown": false }
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