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Imbaron last won the day on March 20 2017

Imbaron had the most liked content!

Imbaron's Achievements

  1. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (Config File): - For Dayz 0.2 @ 800 DPI Hipfire (360°): 0.012746 Targeting (360°): 0.012746 Scoping (Viewspeed): 0.010899 Scope 4X (Viewspeed): 0.010295 Scope 8X (Viewspeed): 0.010266 Scope 15X (Viewspeed): 0.010289
  2. Yes I always use this fix, I really hate the fov by default. But no idea if it affects sensitivity. Another question, what is your opinion about this setting:
  3. - PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - https://www.playbattlegrounds.com/ Thanks!
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