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  1. Sorry if this question sounds bad but if my arcade sensitivity is 0.383972, do I also make my sniper sensitivity 0.383972 or do I just leave it as 1? I'm assuming I should also set it to 0.383972 because it's "sniper sensitivity and not "zoom sensitivity" thanks a lot
  2. Yes I've found it, but do I need to change the sensitivity for <artyMode> and <sniperMode>?
  3. Yes, I found the .xml file and opened it with notepad, but I can't find <root> <scriptsPreferences> <controlMode> <arcadeMode> <camera> <sensitivity> x </sensitivity> </camera> </arcadeMode> </controlMode> </scriptsPreferences></root>
  4. But I don't see a .cfg file in %APPDATA%\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks
  5. Do I just create a new .cfg file inside of the %APPDATA%\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks or do I modify the elements of preferences.xml?
  6. How do I see my WoT sensitivity? I calculated my sensitivity from csgo to WoT but the slider in WoT doesn't display any numbers
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