Thanks for the swift reply @DPI Wizard
I have my FOV set to 90, couldn't find it in the config files. Turns out it's only in the GameUserSettings.ini if set to something other than default of 90.
So, set it to 91 and the line "SoldierFOV=91.000000" appears in the GameUserSettings.ini and set it back to 90 and the line is removed.
Anyway, the ini value is the same as what it shows in-game.
This has me confused, because under game info I see: "Default FOV: Field of View 90 | Multiplier"
So, if I'm understanding you correctly, under input I should set this: FOV 90, FOV Type vdeg (since my FOV is 90 in-game). See screenshot.
But the calculation shows: "Config FOV: Field of View 120.000000"
Does this just mean you forgot to change the data to say "Default FOV: Field of View 90 | vdeg"?
Also there is a note mentioning "set "Scope Setting" (under advanced) to Normal".
However changing this setting to Picture-in-Picture does not seem to impact the sensitivity in my testing.