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Everything posted by daybes

  1. yeah i ctrl+F SensitiveMap, found the array and copy pasted it
  2. putting it in the config didn't change it ingame?>
  3. It appears all the numbers across all 4 sensitivities are the same now? is that supposed to be the case? Previously i got different for mousesens and mousesensads
  4. Scaling type: relative Doesn't seem to work properly
  5. scoped sensitivity was added in the Update that just went live 12/2/2021 1:00 PM EST
  6. Name: Aliens: Fireteam Elite Website: https://www.focus-home.com/en-us/games/aliens-fireteam-elite Status: released Release date: 24th August 2021 Availability: purchase
  7. There was an update today that changed the zoom distance on the Marshall to 3.5x, I believe you need to update the formulas for ADS to account for that?
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