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  1. and as for the referse of the situation dpi wizzard ? what would it be for halo settings to go on destiny 2s settings ? also thanks for answering the red number qeustions that helps me understand better
  2. also i do feel conferintable with the 0.9 so i am wondering how it would be on destiny 2 as well
  3. so when i did this and i am having confusing trouble and overall just i don't under stand so when i converted it halo infinite it gave it to me yet all red numbers and a bunch of other things i cant brake it down or understand whats wrong and whats even MORE frustrating is that when i try to reverse it it gives me a different number different answer and over all confusing can someone help me out figer this out ? both destiny 2 to halo infinite and halo infinite to destiny 2
  4. what do i do now
  5. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=568f6b01d7ba9dc87dbb25f90a723c12 heres the link then
  6. so i need help finding out what the issue is about the sensitivity part btw i love the valorant sens but how the heck what dose the numbers mean that are colored red as i want to snipe in destiny but i dont know what im missing im new to mouse sensitivity and how it works is confuseing for i am slow
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