I was just testing the DPI Analyzer with my old G502 which I thought has one of the best sensors on the market ( PMW3366 ).
However I noticed that there was always a deviation of about +30%.
I paid attention that I followed the instructions precisely:
-The browser is not zoomed in.
-The deviation was pretty much the same at any selected DPI setting.
-Mouse acceleration is disabled and the windows pointer speed is at the default value of 6.
Is the PMW3366 really that bad of a sensor? I know that it is really precise (nearly no hardware acceleration) but I didnt know that it was that inaccurate...?
Anyone else experiencing this with their old Logitech mouse or am I missing something?
Its really disturbing me that the deviation is that high. If I ever got a new mouse, my aim would be completely messed up if this was true.
thanks for any help