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Everything posted by NilValue

  1. Calculator input: I want a sensitivity and fov_cs_debug setting that would provide me with a 3419.9131 cm / 360° at a vertical FOV of 1. But with those settings I end up with something around 600 cm per 360°.
  2. Any definitive answer yet? Is it the calculator or the game?^^
  3. Btw: If you're correct, then, for the time being, one could just multiply the correct value (f.e. for 75% 1.33) with 1.333333333333333 (1 1/3) to get the correct value for mouse_ads_monitor_distance_coefficient .
  4. So you think that it is the game's fault or the calculator's fault? Because if it is a bug of the game (and the calculated values are correct), then I would stick with independent ADS Field of View.
  5. Hello, when I select a conversion of horizontal match 75% from Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Hipfire to ADS (Reflex), keeping the mouse_ads_monitor_distance_coefficient = "1.33" then I would expect the conversion to leave mouse_ads_yaw_ads_multiplier = "1.00000". This is the case when I set the ADS Field of View to "Independent", but it is not the case when I set it to Affected (then it is mouse_ads_yaw_ads_multiplier = "1.03919"). The same holds true for a monitor match of 71.5%, where I would set mouse_ads_monitor_distance_coefficient = "1.2711", which should result in mouse_ads_yaw_ads_multiplier = "1.00000", but with ADS Field of View "Affected" it is mouse_ads_yaw_ads_multiplier = "1.04577". Is this a bug of the site or a bug of the game?
  6. Would like to see Red Faction Guerilla for the Remaster
  7. Ok thanks a lot for the answer. Especially the question regarding black borders was important to me . That's perfect.
  8. I hope this is not too intrusive of a question, but I was wondering how you get to the values the calculator uses in the end. Such as FOV at certain zoom levels. Do you just measure it or do you prefer reading config files? How do you evaluate an FOV for a zoomed in view where there are black bars, for example the CS:GO AWP zoomed in. There you have only a circle of visibility in the middle while the rest is blacked out. Is the FOV the calculator uses the FOV inside of that circle or is it the FOV that the screen would have if the black bars were not there?
  9. When checking for sensitivity in Prey by distance (i.e. entering a certain distance and reading the necessary sensitivity setting), the calculator provides only increments that are the same as the ingame setting. However, the config file setting can be set to far more accurate numbers than the ingame settings. Example: I enter 36.015 cm / 360 with 793 DPI. I get as config file value 0.0006. However I can set also set this value to 0.0005588, which is far more accurate and the game recognizes correctly.
  10. Yes that's worth a shot, although the measurement wouldn't be accurate I guess. For example in case my real DPI wasn't dividable by 4 but you'd set the pointer sensitivity to 3, which would make the mouse go 1 px every 4 counts. That would mean that my measurement precision would only be within the range of 4 counts if I thought this through correctly. Now if I only move one pixel too far left or right, that effect would increase. So for example in case I go 5 px past the mark, I'd end up with an inaccurated measurement of 20 DPI. It may be an answer, but right now, it's actually more accurate to measure in a game like CS:GO and deduce the real DPI in the calculator, which yielded far more consistent results for me even over the span of a few days. Also, in a 3D environment, you could do stuff like limit mouse movement to horizontal movement only, or you could limit the amount the crosshair actually can move to a complete 360 (or any degree value) and provide a result like: "Mouse moved n counts to hit the mark. Mouse moved n+x counts until the end of measuring". You might even be able to tell the user not only the horizontal counts but maybe even the vertical counts that were sent . Just a proposal though and thanks for the fast reply. EDIT: It could also become a sellable feature for premium members, basic analyzer for free users, feature rich for premium users.
  11. The analyze DPI feature is really nice, however, on higher DPI settings it is nearly impossible to measure accurately. My proposal: Use a 3D scene inside the browser to measure real dpi, where you can measure nearly infinite distances. Technology to look into: X3D / X3DOM, should be fairly easy to set up and is supported by Chrome.
  12. Ok thanks, was hoping that it maybe was only on my end, but that way Daybreak managed to screw up again. Thanks for the quick reply
  13. Ok I just tested a few more vehicles, it's different for different vehicles for some stupd reason: Sunderer: 3rd person and first person driver is around 30-31 cm / 360° as I stated Flash: First person seems too fast (cannot measure exactly because I cannot turn 360°), but 3rd person is around 60-61 cm (as it should be) Lightning tank is as it should be in 3rd and 1st person (around 60-61 cm). So I guess the bug is with PS2, not with the calculator? Would be nice to know if it's just me or if anyone else is experiencing this.
  14. If I enter 395 DPI (my mouse's real dpi at 400 setting) and 60.603 cm, I get 0.214025 as recommended sensitivity. That is incorrect. It results in an in game cm/360 of approximately 30 - 31 cm. I think they must have changed sth there with the latest patch, because I remember the calculator being accurate.
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