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  1. If I have a sensitivity of 20 and my ADS multiplier is 0.9, does that make my ADS sensitivity 18? Or is it more complex than that? Just curious
  2. Hello, I have played a LOT of black ops 4. It's where I learnt to aim with a keyboard and mouse- which is where the problem arises. BO4 and BO3 use different aiming systems. I'd like my BO3 sensitivity to reflect the sensitivity I have in BO4 when aiming down iron sights. Is this just a matter of taking my BO3 sensitivity value and dividing it by the BO4 reported multiplier? Or is it more complex? Linked are the mouse-sensitivity calculator's results. https://ibb.co/RQJTcd9 https://ibb.co/k1WrXSG
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