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  1. I may just have to accept the fact that it's not a good idea to try and match sensitivity to different FOV's anyways. I understand that the sensitivity doesn't come out the same and it can translate poorly to other games. The goal was to have 1 sensitivity that I could use across several games with different FOV's but the more I think about it the more it sounds like a nightmare. For example Hunt Showdown may actually be a correct calculation, but it feels way faster than Fornite by almost 2 full turns and this could just be due to the increased FOV.
  2. 360 distance is what I'm going for. Even if I don't use FOV the iron sight settings are still off. It seems like quite the headache as opposed to just calibrating your cm/360 with a program. Fortnite to Apex Legends works beautifully but for some reason Hunt doesn't.
  3. Hmm I have mine set to .96 on feel alone and it says .97 for in game iron sights and that seems about right. That's if I don't put anything if for FOV even though I'm playing on 103 in game. If I try FOV 70.5328 then it's to slow. I think there is something weird going on with the ADS conversion settings because the mouse sensitivity is accurate and doesn't change. Closer: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=6bf2cff7812bc61fd51e8bf6b550968e (reasonable) FOV 70.5328: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=fdcc3f55d2c54a710e1978df44ad6aec (iron sights to low)
  4. The only thing that is accurate is the mouse sensitivity, but the hipfire and iron sights are way off. They are actually higher than the mouse sensitivity which is what I don't understand. When I try measuring it in game it's about a full 2 turns more than my Fortnite sens when aiming through iron sights. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=d23028a4259cb24e91cc444ce3ea89f6
  5. I had high hopes for this tool but it's sad to say that I won't be buying a lifetime membership or renewing my subscription. I was trying to convert Fortnite to Hunt Showdown and it had my settings almost twice as fast as my Fortnite Settings. I 100% had everything put in correctly. I'm sure there's games that aren't supported but there's by far easier tools out there to calibrate your aim with, specifically kovaaks. Literally takes about 3 minutes and you don't have to worry about what your FOV is because it's relevant to your cm/360. I fiddled with this for an hour and still couldn't get it to work.
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