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spectre88925's Achievements

  1. here is the link btw of the calculator https://r6sads.netlify.app/?fbclid=IwAR3mAver4F1yQLyAnB_ZJniVMRyioRxagW8B8VwZwNbP--it5S0Mu8FVjyc
  2. It doesn't work for me to be honest, better solution actually is to set the 1x sens to 50 using the MDH to 0% and then using the ubisoft ''focal lenght'' calculator to set all other scopes according with the FOV as u can see in the image. All scopes feels the same wich is great. BUT, what if i want to find the sens Hipfire to 1x using that focal lenght sistem? cause MDH and focal lenght have different calculations so i cant be sure about that 50 value for the 1x. Please help.
  3. Hi im trying to get the same sens across all scopes on siege, using MDH (ADS AND SCOPE) at 0%, the 1x holo sens at 50 it's perfect! But for example the 2.5x feels soo slow at 50... If i set the MDH scope at 75% i get sens 65 for the 2.5x.. wich is close the viewspeed value result.. So what should i do? Why at 0% it feels so slow?
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