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  1. name: entropy zero + entropy zero 2 web: https://store.steampowered.com/app/714070/Entropy__Zero/ / https://store.steampowered.com/app/1583720/Entropy__Zero_2/ status: released release date: forgot availability: free but requires owning half life 2
  2. name: Dark hours Prolouge Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3064370/ Status: early access Release date: 21 Oct 2024 Availability: free (for now) note: mouse is "camera speed" under gameplay
  3. any chance we could get https://store.steampowered.com/app/3070070 Name: TCG Card Shop Simulator Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3070070 Status: early access Release date: 15 Sep, 2024 Availability: $10, steam, early access
  4. Name: lords of the fallen 2023 Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1501750/Lords_of_the_Fallen/ Status: Released
  5. I'm on firefox so shift + f5 or shift+R is the only option still not able to see the share UI, results in the blacked out window
  6. for me, the share button only dims the screen? need to reload the page after clicking that button because everything is seized [Display] fRenderResolutionScaleFactor=1.0000 bHasRunAutoQualitySettings=1 uiUpscaleTech=3 bDepthOfFieldEnable=0 fFilmGrainIntensity=0.0000 bUseReducedShadingRate=0 bEnableVsync=0 bDynamicResolutionEnabled=1 fDOFBlendRatio=0 fDOFMinFocalCoefDist=999999 fDOFMaxFocalCoefDist=99999999 fDOFDynamicFarRange=99999999 fDOFFarDistance=99999999 [ImageSpace] bDoDepthOfField=0 bDoRadialBlur=0 iRadialBlurLevel=0 bMBEnable=0 bLensFlare=0 bScreenSpaceBokeh=0 bDynamicDepthOfField=0 [Quality] uGlobalRendererQuality=3 uMotionBlur=0 uVolumetricLighting=2 uParticle=2 uSAO=3 uShadows=3 [Bethesda.net] uPersistentUuidData3_Steam=1470813737 uPersistentUuidData2_Steam=2314884069 uPersistentUuidData1_Steam=1432111938 uPersistentUuidData0_Steam=593141579 [Legal] bHasUserAccepted=1 [MotionBlur] bEnableMotionBlur=0 [GamePlay] uDifficulty=1 [Controls] fIronSightsLookSpeedYaw=1.636259 fIronSightsLookSpeedPitch=2.045324 fLookSpeedYaw=0.999936 fLookSpeedPitch=1.777664 fShipReticleMovementSensitivity=1.0083 fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.005040 bMouseAcceleration=0 fGamepadHeadingSensitivity=0.5556 bForceIgnoreSmoothness=1 bMouseAcceleration=0 [Interface] fUserGamepadCursorScale=0.5410 bShowOnlyActiveQuestTargets=1 [Volumes] bShowVolumeGeometry=0 [SaveGame] fAutosaveEveryXMins=5.0000
  7. no I don't have any of the mods or tweaks to adjust the mouse sens, only based on calculator I used magshot (somekind of revolver in game) and the old-earth M1911 that you can get from the info below 2560x1440 (native) with 27" monitor 16:9 and 120fov how do I "link" calculations?
  8. I feel like pistol ADS is way too fast, even with the correct fMouseHeadingSensitivity value plugged in
  9. So we still have to use separate pitch and yaw sens value for mouse? Also any idea on the discrepancy between FPS and 3rd person?
  10. there's no launch drivers for nvidia gpus yet
  11. fShipReticleMovementSensitivity For flight controls Seems to play similarly compared to war thunder?
  12. I changed sensitivity (normal, ADS) a few times in games but I could not get fMouseHeadingSensitivity to show in the .ini file
  13. sir how about armored core? :DDDDDDDD
  14. BRUH THIS GAME GOT ADDED BEFORE ARMORED CORE 6 :(((((((((( For this option to show for me, I had to change the ingame slider to some random value Ironsights / ADS also are missing 1st/3rd person has diff sens, seems like the calculator is only accurate to 1st person
  15. late to the party but spt 3.5.2 got released, idk what other scopes got added to the game though
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