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wWolfw's Achievements

  1. Name: BlackwakeWebsite: https://store.steampowered.com/app/420290/Blackwake/Status: releasedRelease date: 19 Feb, 2020, however early access has been available for 2 or so yearsAvailability: Purchase
  2. Hi you probably haven't looked at this game in a while but they have an ADS sensitivity bar now. Maybe you could implement it? Also, the hipfire conversion seems off. I'm trying to convert from CS:GO (sens: 1.0, DPI: 1200, I use this game as my basis for everything) and I get the sensitivity 1.4 for Verdun however this seems to be very off, too speedy. Also thank you for the awesome work you put into this website, I'm very OCD so I bought the premium!
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