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  1. Thank you for adding the vehicles! what is about Pilot sense? should i set it to 100, so it is correct?
  2. Hey DPI Wizard. I hope you are feeling well. I waited several months now and am buying your premium subscription regularly. any word/news on the ADS sense of Escape from Tarkov? 1.) The ADS sense ingame is still faster than the actual hipfire sense (just look at the value the calculator puts out) 2.) i tested this ingame by using no armor or whatsoever, which would decrease my hipfire sense. thanks for your help!
  3. Hey all, any news? just bought premium again to see, that the calculated ADS sense is still higher than the hipfire sense. :(
  4. the ADS sense of my AK (iron sight) is faster than my hipfire sense. i have not used the shotgun or pistol to check it.
  5. thank you for going deep fast. here you go - i hope, thats all you need.
  6. i literally have no gear - its my first character with only a weapon equipped. (the short AK) I installed the game today, bought the premium here again to calculate my senses and noticed, that the ADS sense is faster than my hipfire sense
  7. Hey all, in fact, there is something wrong with the ADS sense. its faster than my hipfire sense ingame, although in the caculator it states more cm/360. (i used 0% monitor distance)
  8. Hey all, if i want to use 0% monitor distance for ADS sense, it's better to use legacy, right? I know i could set 0% MD with relative, too - but then only for reflex or scope - not for both - am i right? So thats why legacy is just perfect in case you want to use 0% MD, right? Another question: what do you guys prefer - ADS fov affected or independent? I think independent is better in the long run, because more zoom = better, if you have map knowledge, correct? Many thanks!
  9. Thank you for your quick reply. I am using 0%match for all ADS and scopes sensitivities. So the difference in ADS for different weapons will hardly be noticable? Thank you!
  10. Hello, please take a look into this post. https://old.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/8m2wr9/psa_pubgs_ads_sensitivity_is_broken_the_same_ads/?st=jhn7tntd&sh=a1b9dd12 He says, that the ADS sensitivity is different of every different weapon. Is this true? Or am i good with your sites calculator? Thank you for your quick feedback!
  11. Hey all, short question: how come, that there is no way to convert the turret sensitivies of BF1?
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