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Everything posted by Gabe3089

  1. Thank you so much! Very informative and fast response I really appreciate it
  2. Ah that does make sense! So I set it to distance (which locks at 360) in the top section and then work around it by doubling? is this the same tho, accounting for FoV differences in games? Would the FoV disparity between let’s say 90 and 110 not change the formula calculating a 360 vs a 180?
  3. I personally love how it feels to match my sensitivity to a 180 degree turn. It's slightly different than matching off 1:1 from center or for a full 360. For me, it's a nice inbetween and helps my movement and thus overall "feel" stay consistent. Is there a way to do this in the current features that i'm missing, or would it be possible to add?
  4. There's a lot of factors involved and that's a hard call. Some people adapt very fast (especially those who heavily use Aim Trainers and have specifically practiced sens switching/randomization). Excluding those people and that situation, i would say 1-2 weeks for comfort and 2 months ish for really feeling locked in if youre playing around 15 hours a week
  5. I think i'm missing something here, as when I do this what I get is my hipfire sensitivity, and then an ADS that is very high to match my hipfire? What I normally do is set my ADS to 0% using your calculator, and then adjust my ingame hipfire until my ADS matches my "normal" (CSGO, OW, Val) rotation. If this is what you're describing, i'm a dummy and missing a step
  6. Personally, in ADS centric games (CoD, Apex Legends, Fortnite, Rogue Company), I set my ADS sens to default (or 1:1), and then i tweak my GENERAL (non-ads) sensitivity until my ADS 360 matches my hipfire sensitivity in Hipfire games (Counter Strike, Valorant, Overwatch). EDIT: Unfortunately I don't think this website has a calculator for such things, so you just have to measure it with your actual movement. I.E. I know one full move across my mousepad in Overwatch/CSGO/Valorant takes me to about 6:45pm (200 degree turn), so in an ADS games I default my ADS, scope in on an iron sight, and match this movement! It works for me. might work for you!
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