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Everything posted by 44JAX44

  1. Thank you, very helpful, it should be set now
  2. So I am converting this game to 27.96 cm/360 at 110 FOV horizontal, sensitivity 1 is 1 and sensitivity 2 is 0., and ADS multiplier, horizontal and vertical sens to 1. Q1: I set "ADS Transition" option and sensitivity per zoom + MDV to on, is this referring to "Scope magnification" on? Q2: Changing the scope adaptability on off isn't changing anything in values, is it recommended to be on or off? Q3: When it comes to the sensitivity settings per scope range, the blue line is indicating the optimal setting per scope within that range?
  3. all good explanations thank you, yea I noticed apex numbers are different but the difference is not noticeable, some games ban for changing config files, not the scopes and these maybe but other impactful stuff, I don't wanna be on the end of some faulty anti cheat ban for 0. something. Pubg iron sights as well as hunt showdowns' have their sensitivity lower than apex and cod, do you know if they have more zoom on the iron sight? it seems so
  4. I just need to clear things up cause u using vdeg confused me for a bit since I put this number in game.. So basically u matched the games on the vertical degrees to get the same actual horizontal degree? so the number I input above is what I want the game to run on and what I should put in game is the number I get below? then this approach I used on pubg I can use on any game and they will all match? without the need for any base game (27 cm, 400 dpi, 103 hdeg on 16:9, 24 inch, Full HD native)
  5. Thank you that was very helpful I will start using 103, I am not changing any config file in any game just using in game settings, I don't like messing with game files. but having concrete numbers now for the actual fov and the 360 degree distance doesn't even require a base game anymore
  6. and do you recommend me changing my base game for calculations from apex? I play with 27cm/360 so I can switch the base game easily if there is one that does the calculations better
  7. Thank you for the explanation, so shouldn't I be aiming to 106.26 in different games to match apex 105.54 ? in insurgency sandstorm for instance their 90 is calculated right I know this 1 difference won't be very noticeable but just trying to understand this better and 103 is the new standard in what term? more games like overwatch will put it as cap ? cause if that's the case I may as well change all my values to 103
  8. thanx man these settings are perfect it is the same now, and I understand how the software works better. But then I have my fov set to 105 basically, it's an issue in a game like overwatch where the max fov is 103, now the difference isn't really much noticeable but is there any way to compensate to have the exact same value ?
  9. uhm, interesting I changed so many games didn't pay attention to the actual parameter once, I guess I gotta recheck the others too now, I tried straght changing fov in game to 105.54 my eyes are almost dead now cause of it , gonna try fortunate reee screenshot now this seems perfect
  10. These are the settings I use for cod and it still feels a bit lower ads comparing to other games in terms of sensitivity, I dunno maybe the magnification on the scopes and Iron sight is higher than other games can't seem to know why I feel it different
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