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  1. I just tried working the calculator backwards to see if it would even let me convert my current R6 Siege sense to Modern Warfare and it didn't give me a calculation for Modern Warfare. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=4b38488efce7b34c3005927b393a046c
  2. The value in the Modern Warfare config file is equal to the sensitivity. When I change from Config File to In-game it still uses default values. Also, I think the reason why it's not working is because my Modern Warfare Multiplier 1 box is blacked out. It should be set to 1.00. Is there anyone to unlock it? I changed the Aim from Hipfire to ADS on both and then entered the Multiplier. It's still defaulting.
  3. Where do I find/enter that?
  4. I've been trying to use the converter to make my Siege sensitivity the same as on Modern Warfare 2019 (I found my perfect sense :P). When I put my MW sense into the calculator I don't think it's working correctly: ( https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=1596e1b0be97efd93391a28bef64407c ). It seems like it keeps defaulting to 50 sense on siege when converting. In Modern Warfare my sensitivity is 8.00, with "Relative" ADS sensitivity, 400 dpi and 80 FOV. Also, I don't know if there is a proper way to convert ADS sensitivity from MW to Siege. Edit: Just found the option to change the location of data. I think the calculator is actually bugged in this case. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=2860bcad3beea2fe6e425ddd4cbcc5db
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