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MacSquirrel_Jedi last won the day on March 1 2024

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  1. Version 3.13 is out - Download link in video description: - Added feature "Sens Multiplier" and "Y/X Ratio" from "RawAccel" driver. Allows you to set the sensitivity for each axis separately. - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive renamed to: Counter-Strike 2
  2. You can't. I manually adjust sens to receive m_yaw value
  3. CS:GO sens 0.7488 Both aspect of sensitivity 360° distance and Monitor distance is "same" for horizontal. But vertical sensitivity is quicker about 16,8% for 360° and by rough average 1,4% (5,3% max. at edge of screen) for monitor distance in CS:GO
  4. This statement is wrong... I play with it again, and found that i made a mistake. The rotation deviation -2.92° is not caused by the mouse internally as i thought. But by the element i used for sliding the mouse in vertical direction. So I measured the rotation of the sensor relative to the shape of the mouse... kill me! This is still valid and perfectly true
  5. I think you really found something ! The rotation feature looks interesting :) I played with it today and it really has a big impact on the cursor movement. Just like the "Real DPI", the rotation is individual for each mouse. Which explains why someone still feels the difference with the new mouse, even if they set the same 360 distance as with the original mouse. If I remove the rotation of my Zowie EC2-A mouse (-2.92°). When moving the mouse vertically, the cursor moves perfectly in the vertical axis. With almost no deviation. But if I only move the mouse with my wrist from left to right. The cursor moves at an angle. If I return the rotation to the original value (0°). And again move the mouse with my wrist from left to right. The cursor moves horizontally not at an angle. Which I think is the manufacturer's intention. When I look at Zowie EC2-A sensor test. Rotation seems to be the reason for the deviation. However, it only seems to be active for the second (+x+y) and third quadrant (-x-y). Not for first (-x+y) and fourth (+x-y). Because the mouse is for right-handed people? The expected deviation of the monitor distance in the video is not important. As long as we are using only one mouse. More important if we move the mouse repeatedly by the same distance and the cursor travels the same monitor distance each time with minimal deviation.
  6. My mouse evolution has been quite a ride as well. I remember thinking I was old for Counter-Strike. And was thinking about quit playing. But then I bought Microsoft IE3.0 and was absolutely amazed. The mouse brought me back to the best At the time I was playing with my arm placed on the table and making big movements (AWPer). After some time the mouse disappeared from market and there were no replacement. So i tried Zowie EC2-A but I immediately felt a little discomfort. But because I couldn't find anything better at the time of buy. I stick to it. When Microsoft re-released the mouse under Microsoft Pro IntelliMouse, I decided to give it a shot. But I had to give it back immediately as soon as I touched it. After some time, I got used to the Zowie EC2-A, which is smaller. It allows me to control the mouse with my fingers with much more space than Microsoft Pro/IE 3.0. Than one day I got a new computer with some office mouse at work. After some time of use. At home I realized how uncomfortable the Zowie EC2-A is compared to this office mouse... I've never felt anything like this before Zowie EC2-A is a great mouse with perfect controls and I can 100% rely on it! But ergonomically, my hand tends to keep looking for a better position to hold the mouse, but never finds it. The mystery office mouse is a Dell MS111 and it seems to be perfect for my hand. The only problem is that I can't find any gaming mouse of this shape. Maybe some DIY project in future.
  7. When i was implementing PUBG to my utility. I was looking for some sources. And found this calculator https://jscalc.io/calc/reAvE153skIHHW5L . It's allowed to "Make a copy". So you can see a code. Both, but in this case it's pure copy. My math skills ends with a triangle.
  8. Finally the vertical axis I will definitely try it tomorrow
  9. Hi, what I understood in the first part is that you basically take three FOV ranges (Hipfire, ADS, Scope) and for each you find a specific sensitivity that works best for you. If there are multiple weapons in this range with different FOVs. You use one sensitivity for all of them. If the game allows you to set the sensitivity for each optic separately, I see no reason to try to set one sensitivity for multiple optics. However if more optics share the same sensitivity in the game. Playing around with sensitivities to see what works best for the group can definitely be beneficial. But as with everything, it's always relative to the FOV you're most used to. I was playing with the idea a few times, but each time I decided not to bother with it. And as you already said: Lets say you will compensate this, and know you have to shoot without moving, then you overshoot your opponent about this motion compensation. You can never know if the target will move to the left/right/up/down before you place a crosshair on it. Also this compensation is distance dependent. You will need to find some average distance of your fights. In the first image you can see that I placed the crosshair between the two corners at different distances. Then I quickly pressed and released the button to move left. And as you can see, the compensation is different for each corner.
  10. I remembered one bug in Counter Strike 1.6 engine that we oldschool AWPers know about. This bug is present with any combination of settings you can think of regardless of whether RawInput is on/off. This nicely illustrates that this topic has its meaning from both perspective of view (benefit/criticism). Because as you can see in the video. A slow movement of the mouse to the right is registered by the game when scoped. But not to the left. This is also why I prefer manual verification over software. Because I want to be 100% sure how the system/game reflects the real world (long chain from sensor to photons). Not just software world.
  11. https://blurbusters.com/gsync/preview2/ Maybe we will need something like GSync in mouse tracking -> MSync Another think is, that "mousefeel" is mostly local feel. No matter if you have a 10000 Hz monitor or mouse. All your mouse moves (delta moves) are distributed by let say 100 packets per second over internet. And when they arrive to your computer from your opponent. Game engine will smooth the delta difference. So it will look clean, but in reality it's "choppy". In CS 1.6, the command ex_interp "0.1" take care of this. And if you set it to 0 and your NET settings are low (cl_cmdrate "30"; cl_updaterate "20") it was unplayable. If you set ex_interp "0.1" it starts to feel clean. But input lag will be higher. So even when it will feel and look absolutely perfect on monitor. It can be just engine interpolation. But in the background, it can be much less precise that how it looks smooth on monitor.
  12. Monitor distance - Dynamic All aims (ADS/Scope) use the same base setting (convert from)
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