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  1. If it helps anyone out there, I had to manually measure myself. Just to confirm I have a 110 fov and when you ads it zooms in. I wanted X sensitivity hip-fire 360deg to match X sensitivity iron sights/all scope sights 360deg. INSURGENCY in the config sensitivity "X" zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1.0" cl_zoom_sensitivity "1.66" cl_zoom_sensitivity_fov_scaled "1" cl_zoom_sensitivity_fov_scope "0" cl_zoom_sensitivity_scope "1.66" cl_zoom_sensitivity_scope_uses_irons_scale "0" DAY OF INFAMY cl_zoom_sensitivity "1.33" cl_zoom_sensitivity_scope "1.33" This works even for all sight attachments including sniper scopes. Cheers
  2. If it helps anyone out there, I had to manually measure myself. Just to confirm I have a 110 fov and when you ads it zooms in. I wanted X sensitivity hip-fire 360deg to match X sensitivity iron sights/all scope sights 360deg. INSURGENCY in the config sensitivity "X" zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1.0" cl_zoom_sensitivity "1.66" cl_zoom_sensitivity_fov_scaled "1" cl_zoom_sensitivity_fov_scope "0" cl_zoom_sensitivity_scope "1.66" cl_zoom_sensitivity_scope_uses_irons_scale "0" DAY OF INFAMY cl_zoom_sensitivity "1.33" cl_zoom_sensitivity_scope "1.33" This works even for all sight attachments including sniper scopes. Cheers
  3. Hi DPI Wizard, I was wondering if you could help me with insurgency! I'm having trouble matching my hip-fire sensitivity to the ak and m4 iron sights, kobra and dot sight. There is a config option to turn ads zoom off which eliminates the problem. Although I prefer to have the ads zoom on as I have the fox maxed out and its difficult to be accurate with 110fov ads. The closest I have concluded to is zoom or scope sensitivity at about 1.4 but it doesn't feel quite right. Due sandstorm coming out so soon, I'm sure there are a few on here that would love vanilla insurgency scopes updated on your calculator. Cheers -FR33THY
  4. Hi DPI Wizard, I was wondering if you could help me with insurgency! I'm having trouble matching my hip-fire sensitivity to the ak and m4 iron sights, kobra and dot sight. There is a config option to turn ads zoom off which eliminates the problem. Although I prefer to have the ads zoom on as I have the fox maxed out and its difficult to be accurate with 110fov ads. The closest I have concluded to is zoom or scope sensitivity at about 1.4 but it doesn't feel quite right. Due sandstorm coming out so soon, I'm sure there are a few on here that would love vanilla insurgency scopes updated on your calculator. Cheers -FR33THY
  5. My sens is 42cm to 360deg. Which should be 2.4740. For some reason the config either likes to reset itself or set back to a certain number. I ended up running 2.48 on everything instead. This worked and did not reset or change the config back. Try changing the number or run the closest thing the config will accept. Yes you can set the config to read only although not practical if you like to change settings in the menu. Below is my input config, all scopes and sights feel right to me with my mussel memory. Although I could be wrong . Hope this helps. <ProfileSpecificGameProfile Sensitivity="2.48" ZoomSensitivity="2.48" Invert_x="0" Invert_y="0" Invert_y_Plane="0" Invert_y_Helicopter="0" Invert_y_Wingsuit="0" Swap_Throttle="0" Swap_Triggers="0" InvertSticks="0" DefaultFlickFireDirection_y="0" ControllerLayout="0" UseMouseSmooth="0" Smoothness="0" Smoothness_Ironsight="0" MouseAcceleration="1" MouseAccelerationOn="0" MouseInvert_y="0" MouseLookSensitivity="2.48" MouseZoomLookSensitivity="2.48" BufferedInputSensitivity="2.48" MortarZoomLookSensitivity="2.48" BomberZoomLookSensitivity="2.48" BinocularZoomLookSensitivity="2.48"
  6. You are a legend! So quick...
  7. Yep config broken Setting in game works well, its not 100% but close enough to then tweak a little more. Cheers So just got out a tape measure and I was dead wrong. The calculator is spot on, although you must use the in game settings. Config is broken with hex or we just don't know how to find the values yet. Anyway I set the sensitivity to 1.444 in the game as per dpi calculator, checked 360 in game with a tape measure and bingo! Side note... Pro tip 16:10 at 1728x1080 has an extra 5 fov (100) Compared to 1920x1080 which is (95) As long as you don't mind playing stretched or black bars Below are photos of (fov 100 1728x1080 16:10) VS (fov 95 1920x1080 16:9) The 1728x1080 photo is stretched although you can clearly see the bigger fov between photos Shame there are no server browsers, unlimited fps and at least 120 fov. We at least have 60hz netcode. I will play the shit out of this game until the servers die and you cant que anymore just like the old cods. I missed out on the old cods in the past sadly. Have fun fraging!
  8. Just as I wrote this I found... Chance config file to in game. On the calculator... Hope this helps out others like me who are anal about sens. Thanks guys great work. Call of Duty: WWII - Hipfire Sensitivity 1: Horizontal Sensitivity 1.444 360° rotation: 42.0074 cm Discrepancy: 0.0179% (0.0075 cm) Config FOV: FOV: 95 Actual VFOV: 78.6 degrees Actual HFOV: 111 degrees
  9. Hey all Not having any luck on finding the sensitivity values! I have tried max, min and default for single player/multiplayer/zombies then checked with the config files. Yep went out an in each game and triple checked the settings on max, min and default before I checked the config. Man cant find a 4x pattern on xx xx xx xx! For now I will just trial and error my 42cm to 360deg which need to be 7addb83f. Any chance I could get some help or get the website updated. In the options in game I have also notices you can enter a certain 00.000-XX.XXX. Maybe we could get this put on the calculator instead of using a hex viewer, if it gives the same results of course. Enjoying the game so far. Regards -Chris
  10. Hi Ppl and DPI Wizard. Firstly massive thanks for DPI Wizard, I use your website religiously every game! Keep up your good work there are so many of us users out there and if it wasnt for you we would be stuck with a shitty ruler, constantly back and forth in the games settings. I have recently switched to a lower sens in my main game csgo. Using OSU as a warm up for me before competition matches really helps. I used to use 400 dpi and 52cm for csgo and 1x slider for osu. Now I have switched to 300 dpi 62cm and 1x slider in osu. The diffrence for me is amazing i just feel like 300dpi is perfect for the desktop at 1x osu. Give it ago guys if you are a low sens player like me and have a massive 42cm mouse pad. I know the calculatons are sort of hard to work out as in osu comapred to csgo a "fps" you have fov with csgo and osu is a fixed screen. I am still curious to see the outcome, regardles after years of tweaking 300dpi 1000hz is my sweetspot! -FR33THY
  11. That would be a big help please! As It is a good game to aim train but It needs to be the same sens as the fps games I play such as csgo and bf4. -Cheers
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