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  1. 2.46 is the sensitivy I have in Marvel RIvals. I ended up deciding to reinstall Overwatch 2 so I could test things and yeah, it's not 1:1 for the settings I used for Ana/Widowmaker. After putting in everything in it does return 0.85, which feels about right ingame. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=7f26a95e3a296b927f4227f9105d05bd
  2. Going from my old overwatch settings/screen to my marvel rivals settings and new screen I get a 0.69. I think when I did things differently yesterday(I was sleep deprived so i don't remember quite what I did) I got 0.85. Just now I did the good old put something on the screen and measure the amount I need to move my mouse to cover the same visual distance to cover ~40% of the screen and that landed me in the area of 0.90. Here's the OW scoped widowmaker/Ana to marvel rivals, I did use two different screens for those so it could confuse things. Got 0.69 https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=b64cb37920e2958b0bbcc74ef5e4abb3 Trying to convert straight from hipfire to black widow ads(I'm probably missing something or doing something wrong here) I'm getting 1:0 https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=caa73399e08357f907aa679ccda1b5d6 Edit: 1.0 might actually be it? my measuring mouse movement for screen distance by hand is somewhat inaccurate, hence me trying to use the tool.
  3. Has anyone figured out the ads sens for Black Widow to get the same 1:1 as Overwatch? I tried using the calculator but I got two different numbers when converting two different ways and I'm confused. Does someone with more knowledge than me at using this tool know what the value is? One of my attempts got me the number 0.85, which feels decently ok, but I'm not sure if that's quite it.
  4. The strange mouse behavior I was experiencing with the sensitivity changing all the time was also present in Space Hulk Deathwing, another Unreal Engine 4 game. In that game I was able to fix it by adding the following lines in input.ini [/Script/Engine.InputSettings] bEnableMouseSmoothing=False bViewAccelerationEnabled=False I'm guessing it can fix it in Fortnite too, but I'm not sure which file it needs to be added to in this case, input.ini is blank. Can anyone with more UE4 knowledge chime in?
  5. I thought it was because I was playing in windowed fullscreen, but it wasn't, the problem is still there. For me at least, the game keeps messing with sensitivity, lowering it randomly and every now and then increasing it. I have no idea what's making it do that as I have both mouse acceleration and smoothing off. I can stand still, do a rough cm/360 test in game and get heavily different results a couple times in a row. Usually ending up at. I'd be willing yo blame my logitech G402 mouse if other games weren't behaving just fine.
  6. At what DPI though?
  7. There also is a mouse smoothing option in Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Config\BaseInput.ini which may mess with sensitivity and these two lines which affect mouse sensitivity based on fov. bEnableFOVScaling=true FOVScale=0.01111
  8. I haven't compared it to UT4 but I did input the same value as I do for all games, 24.88cm/360. The calculator gives me the right value for Overwatch though. Edit: The shifting sensitivity seems to have been linked to windowed fullscreen mode. After switching to standard fullscreen the sensitivity stayed the same but the calculator still didn't match the cm/360. Edit2: nope, problem still present :/
  9. I set the sens in the config file, was supposed to get roughly 1.5 turns on my mouse pad, got 1.25. The only part of the config file that seems to be getting overwritten for me is the mouse acceleration. The calculator was telling me to input 0.041350, but after some manual fiddling around I ended up at 0.051020 to roughly get what it should be at.
  10. How did you change your FoV? Edit: I tried using the value from the calculator in the ini file and disabled mouse acceleration(gotta make the file read-only or it goes back on), but the result was a lower cm/360 than expected by a fair amount.
  11. Does this still work? I tried using this to set my FOV, but when I pressed the key nothing happened. I did edit the LUA file to remove all the sensitivity-related stuff since I already use a sens mod that lets me go lower than the default settings. What I'm left with is: fov = 103.3 fov = math.deg(2.0*math.atan(math.tan(math.rad(fov/2.0))*9.0/16.0*4.0/3.0)/65.0) managers.user:set_setting("fov_multiplier", fov) if alive(managers.player:player_unit()) then managers.player:player_unit():movement():current_state():update_fov_external() end
  12. I just tried converting my usual sensitivity to 7 days to die and the result was roughly 20-30% too high. Edit: after some manual fiddling around, the value giving me the result I wanted was around 0.045 when the tool said to use 0.05512320.
  13. Was the calculator fixed for PS2?
  14. The calculator says I need 2.4% sensitivity, but only mentions how to reliably change it by 5%. After testing, it seems 5% on the sensitivity bar can be further broken down into 15 different settings for 0.33 repeating percent per smallest change on the bar. Might want to lock the calculator's result to thirds of a percent and show the discrepancy from there. The results from the calculator also seem to be off by a fair amount on my end.
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